Family Connection Centre
On behalf of the Terrace Child Development Centre, the Board of Directors is pleased to announce that we have been awarded one of the four pilot Family Connection Centres (FCC).
The Terrace Child Development Centre has been providing family centred, trauma informed services that support positive outcomes for children, youth and their families in Terrace and area for nearly 50 years. Our high-quality services are driven by evidence-based research and practice.
As a pilot, we will work closely with the Ministry of Children and Family Development’s team to ensure the highest quality of services to meet the needs of children, youth and their families in Terrace, Kitimat, Stewart and the Nisga’a Nation. We will work together to evaluate the new model, to ensure all children, youth and families have access to supports and resources they need.
We are dedicated to family-centred practice, where families and primary caregivers are recognized as the experts on their children. Families make goals for their child and together with community services, we work to help meet these goals.
All programs are government-funded and offered free of charge. We are committed to respecting and maintaining the privacy of children, youth, and families. All information shared with staff is regarded as strictly confidential.